Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well we had our appointment yesterday afternoon and I am still 60% effaced, but 4 cm we just wait for this stubborn child to come. Also my blood pressure was really high when we first got there and even higher when they took it again after we met with the MW. This is probably because the MW told me that they do not induce until 41 1/2 weeks and I was envisioning being pregnant for a couple of more weeks. Not the best feeling!! So after it was even higher they sent us over to the hospital to get monitored for about 2 hours. They also took some blood and ran some tests. Everything came back fine and now I am officially on bed rest until the baby comes...hopefully sooner than later! So now we wait!

1 comment:

jcoug03 said...

The waiting is definitely the hardest part!!! Good luck with everything, I know you'll do just fine. I can't wait to see pictures.
- Jen Castillo