This is his innocent "who me" face Everything is always in his mouth
We love this shot of him
Laughing at Daddy
Petting Sophie
Playing in the dirt
Daddy and his little man
The weather has started to get nice over here and Eric has been working on his garden. So Caleb was out there helping get things ready!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
This isn't the best video (Eric's phone), but hopefully you get the picture. Last night while we were eating dinner Caleb started jumping like crazy in his exersaucer. His facial expressions are hilarious! :)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Cherry Blossoms 2009
Eric took some great shots while we were walking down in DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival last weekend
Little man
So cute!!
The following shots are so Caleb! Enjoy! :)
Hmmmmmmm...what is this?
Getting ones looking.....
Ha it.... Yummmmmmm!!!!!
Daddy and me
Mommy and me
A good one of Daddy and me
Getting to be a big boy!
This isn't so bad
We went to the Annual Cherry Blossom Festival last weekend and had a great time. The weather was perfect and so was Caleb. I on the other hand was done after a couple of hours with all of the people down on the mall. Eric could have stayed for a couple of hours longer taking more pictures. I can't believe that Caleb is almost 5 months...where has the time gone? We gave him a sippy cup with a little bit of juice and water. He thought he was hot stuff. :)