
Caleb and I with my midwife Margie

Our first family photo
Here are the fun details from the birth...
I feel very lucky that I was only in labor for 12hrs which is pretty good for a first time mom. I went into labor at about 3:40pm on Tuesday afternoon and I they were every 3-5 minutes apart. I called Eric and made sure he was on his way home from work. When he got home we headed off to the hospital where we waited to be admitted for about 2 hours and at this point I was 6cm. We made it to our room and I labored to 8cm and asked for the drugs. It was a lot harder than I expected and my blood pressure was getting higher with the stronger contractions. We rested for an hour and a half...I started to notice that I was feeling pains in my back again. Then I started feeling the full contractions fun! They checked me and I was at 10 cm, this is when I pretty much broke down and started crying because it was so painful. They ended up giving me another epidural because we still had to wait for him to move down which ended up being another 2 hours. It took about 10 minutes and I was back in my happy place and we slept until they said it was time to push. I ended up pushing for 2 hours or so and baby Caleb made his way into the world. Eric and I both feel so blessed that he is healthy and a very good baby. I must say that I was a little shocked when Eric said it was a boy, but then I saw his adorable face and I was instantly in love.
Keeping checking our blog because I know to keep the grandmas happy...we will be posting new pictures all the time. :)