Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here are some new belly shots...who knows may be the last ones. I went to the doctor today and I am 3cm dilated and 60% effaced...I was really not expecting that at all!! So we can basically go any day now. I am kind of hoping it isn't until next week because I have so much that I need to finish at work. :)

Ryan playing cornhole
Justin and Mike hanging out

Mike and Eric were really close to the field

Eric went to the Redskins vs Browns game with some friends a couple of weekends ago and I had to post some pictures. Especially this silly one of Eric for Emerson!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama in Leesburg

Here are the massive amount of cars that invaded our neighborhood. Obama had a rally about a block and a half from our house. It was a busy night!
Here are some videos that I took of the crowds of people leaving and on the right people getting heckled by some McCain fans start chanting Obama.

Nursery Shots!

Here is our nursery, we still have put anything on the walls yet because we haven't decided if we want pictures or have Eric draw something. We are just waiting on our changing table to arrive and it should be here any day now.

We are almost there!!!

Pumpkin Carving

My finished product

Ryan and Kristyn working on their pumpkins

Eric working hard on his

Group shot
Eric being silly as usual

Lights on

What they look like with the lights out!

Friday, October 17, 2008

36 weeks and counting
I took the following shots for Emerson so she can see how big my belly is getting. And so she can compare it to hers...since she also has a baby in her belly too. ;-)
I am getting big. To elaborate on Emerson...my 2 1/2 year old niece thinks that she has a baby growing in her belly that she will name Sarah. :)

Yea for Fall
belly shot 35 weeks
the dogs and I

Front porch

Eric and I
One other 35week belly shot

Nursery Shots

Here are some shots of the nursery. We are picking up the crib tomorrow and we will take more photos when it is complete. This was the only way Eric could bring the dresser up by himself. :)

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Here are some videos that Eric took of the cannons.

Baby Shower
Maureen threw us a very beautiful and fun baby shower last weekend.

Me opening presents
Whole group shot

Pat, Shannon (due a couple of days behind us) and Sonja
Sonja, Kristyn and Amy

Maureen, me, Ji, Katherine and Trish

It was fun to see everyone that I haven't seen in a while. And they got the baby some wonderful gifts! Thank you to all that came and celebrated with us. You can kind of see the blanket that Maureen's mom made for the baby on the door behind Trish and Katherine. It is truly beautiful...it has a little family tree with my side and Eric's side embroidered on it. Also there are no pictures of Gretchen (Maureen's sister) because she was the one taking the pictures. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life! It is hard to believe that Maureen and I have been friends for about 15 years and she is the reason that Eric and I are together! :) Thanks Mo for everything!
WEEK 34 Belly Shot