Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baby Shower
My friend Jen, her baby Radley, Caleb and I

Mandy and Tracy

Teresa, Kim and I

Logan, Nana and Caleb

Logan giving Caleb his bottle and Logan was so proud of himself, he got a big burp out of Caleb

Bath Time at Nana'sI love this picture!
After his bath


Having fun with Nana

So serious!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Caleb was talking to Nana about Santa Claus and how excited he is to be spending the holidays with them in Seattle. :)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Christmas Pictures
My little man and me
Family shot
Tummy time on the boppy

Hanging out on the boppy
We had to go to the doctors again today because we were suspecting that Caleb had reflux, but his doc said that it doesn't sound like reflux to her. We just need to keep an eye on him and see how his gas/fussiness gets. Oh and he got weighed again today...10.3lbs...tanker! :) I love his little double chin...too cute!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

2 week check-up

Caleb is growing like a weed!

He is 9.7 lbs

21 1/4 inches long

He is in the 90% for both and the doctor said that he isn't too big. He is perfect!

We all had a great time the last week with both of our parents visiting us for Thanksgiving. And Caleb got to meet his Nana and Papa Mansanarez, Grandma and Grandpa Zeronik and Uncle Brian and Aunt Megan. Here are a few of the pictures from last week.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I finally have a moment to update the blog.
Here are some new photos of our little man from the last week.

Sponge Bath Time

All clean

Relaxing with dad

Eric surprised us with a huge stork announcing Caleb's arrival.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our little Burrito!

Daddy and his little man

Deep in thought

Here are a few pictures that we have taken since being home. There are plenty more to come!
Caleb and I with my midwife Margie

Our first family photo

Here are the fun details from the birth...
I feel very lucky that I was only in labor for 12hrs which is pretty good for a first time mom. I went into labor at about 3:40pm on Tuesday afternoon and I they were every 3-5 minutes apart. I called Eric and made sure he was on his way home from work. When he got home we headed off to the hospital where we waited to be admitted for about 2 hours and at this point I was 6cm. We made it to our room and I labored to 8cm and asked for the drugs. It was a lot harder than I expected and my blood pressure was getting higher with the stronger contractions. We rested for an hour and a half...I started to notice that I was feeling pains in my back again. Then I started feeling the full contractions fun! They checked me and I was at 10 cm, this is when I pretty much broke down and started crying because it was so painful. They ended up giving me another epidural because we still had to wait for him to move down which ended up being another 2 hours. It took about 10 minutes and I was back in my happy place and we slept until they said it was time to push. I ended up pushing for 2 hours or so and baby Caleb made his way into the world. Eric and I both feel so blessed that he is healthy and a very good baby. I must say that I was a little shocked when Eric said it was a boy, but then I saw his adorable face and I was instantly in love.

Keeping checking our blog because I know to keep the grandmas happy...we will be posting new pictures all the time. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hello World
Weighing in at 7 lb - 13 oz

I'm alittle cold
After my 1st bath I am warming up

The boys are asleep--finally
Striking a pose

He loves his mommy